Friday, November 04, 2005

I Guess My Consciousness Is Less Essential Than I Thought

The other day, I was walking home while talking on the phone, a task that requires me to cross a major downtown throughfare without an intersection. Normally, there are many cars and I have to wait some time to find a good opportunity and, even then, I will have to run to avoid getting hit. This time, I have no idea what happened. A few blocks later, I realized I was close to home and had no recollection of the previous three blocks. Come to think of it, this same thing has occurred while I'm on the phone in the car, too. I wonder how my mind would respond to an abnormality (or did respond, I guess) and if it could handle the necessary emergent variations. I hope so.


Blogger rob said...

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7:04 PM  
Blogger rob said...

This has also happened to me steve and frankly, it scares me. I wish there was study to see what else your brain can do while completely not paying attention cause we should isolate it and use it to do homework while getting drunk and partying.(my first statement was too raunchy for my family to see)

7:06 PM  
Blogger krakatoa said...

Well, you know, it isn't uncommon.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Steve L said...

Do you have the whole "For Better or for Worse" archive memorized? Because, weird.

10:57 AM  
Blogger rob said...

david, you weird me out

3:45 PM  

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